Download Malay Bible Database and Software Modules for Android, iPhone and Laptop

Dear Visitor,

These databases and bible software modules are collected from internet across on the globe. There are hundreds of people worked on it to make it available online FREE of COST.

We are only providing the online service to make it available to everyone of you for your PERSONAL and NON-COMMERCIAL use.

All the bible databases are provided in public domain, because they are very old sources or made available in public domain already or not copy-right protected.

If you believe one of this bible version needs to be removed from our website, kindly email us at

All the database sources and bible software modules are compressed in zip format to make the download easier and simple. Every Bible version will have single zip file with all formats of the bible database (csv, excel, json, sql, etc) and bible software modules. For some of the modules and sources you may need third party bible softwares to open or read them. For an example, bibles with *.ont or *.ontx format will work with TheWord Bible Software, you need to install TheWord Bible Software and then copy this file to the App’s data folder or just double click on it (2021 process). This steps might vary for other Apps or Bible Softwares. You can also use them for your iPhone or Android based Apps, to know more read the FAQ section of each of these apps or reachout to the their developers for help.

Available Formats – csv, excel, json, sql, text, html, etc.

Almost all versions below will have the sources in the formats – OSIS, Paratext, Compact, Diffable, Equiped EPUB, Haggai XML, HTML, ODT, Text, JSON, Zefania XML and SQL.

Almost all versions below will have the bible modules to the Softwares or Apps – Accordance, Bible Analyzer, Bible Works, Browser Bible, E-Sword, Logos, MobiPocket, MyBible, MySword, Online Bible, Quick Bible, Soft Projector, Sword Searcher, TheWord, Unbound Bible, Volks Bible, YCH Palm Bible.

There might be some formats and some modules missing, please excuse us. It is because, there was an error while generating it, we will update it when we fix the issue.

Click here to Download all versions of Malay Bible Database and its bible modules for 35+ Bible Apps/Softwares

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